/uploads/news/Romania trusts MTT-4011 Eurolifts to ensure city mobility remains intact.

Romania trusts MTT-4011 Eurolifts to ensure city mobility remains intact.

10 units of MTT Eurolift Trucks – MTT 4011s were exported to Romania, also the training of MTT Eurolift operators in Romania was provided by Miles Tow Trucks engineers. 

10 adet MTT 4011 - Eurolift Romanya'ya teslim edildi, Romanya'daki operatörlerin eğitimi Miles Tow Trucks mühendisleri tarafından sağlandı.

В Румынию было экспортировано 10 единиц эвакуаторов MTT Eurolift Truck – MTT 4011. Однако обучение операторов MTT Eurolift в Румынии было организовано инженерами Miles Tow Trucks.
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